PLAYBILL: Tina Fey, Laura Benanti, Megan Hilty Announce Actor Friend’s Award Winners (Video)
THEATER PEOPLE PODCAST — EPISODE 54: Annoying Actor Friend Revealed!
BWW: In-Depth Exclusive: Andrew Briedis on the Past, Present, and Future of Annoying Actor Friend
PLAYBILL: EXCLUSIVE! Annoying Actor Friend Revealed — “You Don’t Need to Be What People Expect”
PLAYBILL: Laura Benanti Coaches You How to Be Her — Side-Eye, Quirky Face and Tears! (Video)
THE NEW YORKER: Cultural Clicks
PLAYBILL: @Actor_Friend Announces Award Nominations for Things “The Tonys Leave Out”
BWW: First-Ever AWARESIE AWARDS to Honor ‘Sh*t the Tonys Leave Out’; Nominees Announced!
BWW Photo Flash: Lesli Margherita Hosts #SOBLESSED LIVE! to Support BC/EFA
BWW Interview: Annoying Actor Friend ‘Werks’ 54 Below with ‘#SoBlessed Live!’
BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW: The 10 Theater Stars Bringing ‘#SOBLESSED’ to Life
BROADWAY BOX: 10 #NOTBLESSED Things That Will Happen to an Actor & The #BLESSED Way to React
BACKSTAGE: Annoying Actor Friend — Live At 54 Below!
BACKSTAGE: 1st Annual Future Broadway Power List
NEW YORK TIMES: On the Road, Actors Seek Higher Pay
HUFFINGTON POST: Actual Advice from Anonymous Authors
BACKSTAGE: Annoying Actor Friend on Creating an Alias, ‘Werking’ Hard, and Being ‘#SOBLESSED’
BACKSTAGE: 7 Notable Theater Books That Came Out in 2013 (#SOBLESSED Lands #2 Spot!)
PHOTO SPECIAL: Exclusive Shots from Annoying Actor Friend’s #SOBLESSED Book Tour